Financial Support
Through the IAU grant funds, we will offer financial support to cover travel expenses of the participants.
The procedure is the following:
- Register in the conference and submit the abstract of your contribution. Only registered applicants will be evaluated.
- Fill the following form, clearly stating your contribution and the amount your request (in Euros). Please also write down the same information in your email as well as the expenses you intend to cover with the travel grant (registration, hotel, etc).
- PhD students need to obtain the approval from their supervisors. Please include the full name and a contact email.
- Send the signed and scanned form to, with the following subject: "IAU 309 - Travel Grant Request" before 31 January 2014.
The conference SOC will evaluate all requests for financial support strictly following IAU regulations. Please keep in mind that there will be limited funding available and thus no guarantee that anybody will obtain partial or full support. Decisions will be communicated to the applicants around 1 March 2014.