Conference Proceedings

The Symposium proceedings will be published by Cambridge University Press, both electronically and in print. The registration fee included the price of a hardcopy as well as online access to the proceedings.

The proceedings must be published within six months of the Symposium. Given the three months lead time required by the publishers, and the time required for editing, we request that all manuscripts be submitted by 15th September 2014.

To write the proceedings you should use these LaTeX class and template. All authors are also requested to complete the online IAU Copyright Form.

Please email your LaTeX file, figures (if any), and individually compiled PDF contribution to as attachments, preferentially in a single tar file. You should name your files familyname.tex, familyname.pdf,, etc to facilitate the task of the editors.

Please also let us know any change you mailing address.

Usage of color figures is encouraged. They will appear in color only in the online version. Figures will be in black-and-white in the printed version. Please take into account these limitations. 

Contribution Pages
Review Talks (R) 8
Invited Talks (I) 6
Contributed Talks (C) 4
Highlight Talks & Poster Winners 2
Posters 1
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