Information for Presenters

Oral Presentations


Oral presentations are divided in Review (30min), Invited (20min) and Contributed (15min). These times should include space for discussions. Due to the relatively dense program it will be highly appreciated that speakers use their allocated times efficiently. 

Highlight talks are short talks (5min) that allow presenters to show new and exciting results. They do not include time for questions. To increase the interaction with the audience it is also recommended to bring a poster.

To avoid delays due to technical issues we will provide a Windows 7 computer with PowerPoint and Adobe Acrobat.  Speakers with other software requirements are requested to bring their laptops.The projector has a 4:3 format.

Please upload and test the presentations ahead of time to avoid any delays, particularly if you have movies. Testing of presentation and personal laptops will be done during the coffee breaks. In case of questions please approach to the members of the LOC.

Electronic versions (PDF format) of all presentations will be collected for publication in the conference webpage. 

Poster Presentations

We provide enough panels to allocate all posters presentations. To use the available space in a reasonable way the maximum allowed size is A0 portrait.

Posters can be put in display from Sunday evening (during the welcome reception) onwards.

We will also collect your posters for publication in the webpage.






  | Universitätsring 1  | 1010 Wien